Starting from:


A Parent’s Guide to Legal Apprenticeships

An informative PDF for e-viewing or printing in hard-copy for those who wish to explain what legal apprenticeships are to their parents that may not be familiar with the programmes.


I was once in a position where I was absolutely sold on a legal apprenticeship but my parents were not; they had no idea what this brand new programme was, what it entailed and what it would mean for my career.

I remember printing off the small amount of resources available online and writing down for them exactly what my career path would look like if I went down this route in an attempt to convince them that, not only was it a legitimate option, it was the right option for me.

I don't want anyone to be in the difficult position that I was in without help, so I have created an easy information poster for anyone who may find themselves in a similar position to access electronically, print and share.


This is a free resource (you will need to enter 0 in the box when you add to cart) but there is a 'pay what you want' option!